Friday, October 7, 2011

Not so much TGIF

TGIF.... Yeah, not really.

Lets get real here, almost every daily updated website announces TGIF on Friday's and posts something special, whether its the obviously annoying Rebecca Black "Friday" video, or a day where they show you pictures of cats, they seem to believe that people everywhere are excited for it to be Friday.

Yet, I truly cannot believe that most people have the weekends off. Here's some facts.

9.1% of the US is unemployed.
The average work week for an employed person in the US is 34 hours.
58.8% of all workers are paid hourly, 4.3 Million of them making at or below minimum wage.
Service, Leisure and Hospitality are all industries that pay at or below minimum wage.

Okay now you have the information all collected from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. (BLS.GOV)
Basically almost no one works full time, now according to state and federal laws full time is considered something like 32 hours, but in my opinion 40 hours is more like full time.  This is a huge indicator of lack of weekend days off.  If you are most likely getting paid hourly, and not even 40 hours a week, how in the hell do you get the weekends off to just sit around?  I make a really good amount of money and I definetely do not get weekends off.  I get one a month.  So yes I suppose that one Friday a month I might be TGIFing it up, but not usually.

Alright, secondly, if 9.1% of the US POP is unemployed, they probably don't even know its the weekend. I mean seriously if I was unemployed for a lengthy period I know I would forget what days of the week it was.

Most of all though, honestly, I am just sick and tired of hearing TGIF, I couldn't get an exact percentage of people who work Mon-Fri, but I know its not even half of the working population, and all you jerks who do get weekends off just need to cool it on the TGIF.

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